Joyful Elodie!
Littlest Shopper, Elodie, 10 mos, of Vershire, lights up the store with her joyfulness. We love you baby!
Littlest Shopper, Elodie, 10 mos, of Vershire, lights up the store with her joyfulness. We love you baby!
Littlest Shopper, Henry, nearly 2 years old, helps mom pick out the ingredients for his favorite Indian dish, turmeric cauliflower. You have awesome taste kiddo!
Littlest Shopper, Rosa, 18 mos, of Chelsea, rocked the always awesome Pebbles Flintstone hairdo on this otherwise dreary Monday. Thanks for shining your lovely light on us little cutie pie!
Rosa Rocks Pebbles Fintstone! Read More »
Chef Brandon Hamilton lead two sections of his, Let’s Make & Eat Pasta (and Sauces) last Saturday, for a whopping 22 participants! The day was a smashing success all around
Perfect Pasta Party! Read More »
Littlest Shopper, Asa, 2, of Brookfield, helped his dad unload their cart while checking out this week. When dad was asked why they drive the 35 minutes that it takes
FREE CHEESE THURSDAY! It is also our lovely cheese monger, Elizabeth’s BIRTHDAY today! When you come in to sample this delectable, locally produced cheese named Oma, from our friends at
Our selection of locally baked goodies grows! Now we receive deliveries from Lois at the North Tunbridge General Store, AND from Katie at the Tunbridge General Store Like Lois, Katie
Tunbridge General Store Supplies Fresh, Locally Baked Goodies! Read More »
Ava, 10 mos, of Randolph Center, enjoyed herself last week during a three-generation shopping trip with her mom and grandparents. It was great to see you all!
Ava & her Entourage Read More »
This easy, springtime pea soup is served cold. Makes 6 servings Ingredients 6 cups fresh or frozen peas* 1 tablespoon olive oil or unsalted butter 1 small onion, chopped* 4
Littlest Shopper, Emily, 4, of SoRo, was excited to introduce her pony, Zenna, to us the other day. It was lovely to meet you Ms. Zenna Pony. It was also