We are SO EXCITED to announce that we have locally made skyr from Villa Villekulla Farm, and it is flying off the self! We rejoice every time a local producer offers our community something new, especially when a product becomes a delicious and nutritious local staple.
Skyr, pronounced “skeer”, is an Icelandic fermented dairy product dating back to Viking times. It is traditionally made with goat milk, but can be made with cow milk.
A soft and very spreadable cheese, skyr has a smooth, whipped texture and a mild taste. It is made by adding rennet and culture to milk. Villa Villekulla uses only vegan rennet derived from thistles.
As you may have noticed from the pictures below, Villa Villekulla skyr is ALL GOAT! Goat lady and farmer Lauren Gitlin is a one woman show, but she would never say that. Her small herd of goats are deeply loved by her and even “hand hugged” as you can see on her label. They are her respected co-workers and team members, all tucked up there grazing and browsing to their hearts’ delight in the hills of Tunbridge, VT.
If a farmer actually tattoo’s a picture of a goat upon her chest, you can be sure that she is committed to making the best darn goat milk products possible. Lauren did and she is! Treat yourself to a visit to her website to learn just how important Lauren’s caprine co-workers are to her. Hint, they are like family! Here is a link to her website, www.villavillekullafarm.com. There, you will learn about, “Adventures in Deliciousness” Villa Villekulla style.
While on Lauren’s website, you can also view her recipe section, which has some DELICIOUS and sometimes unexpected ideas about how to use Villa Villekulla skyr. It is possible however, that your skyr may not last to be used as an ingredient in a decadent dish! After popping the top, it quickly disappears with crackers, carrot or bread sticks, spoons, even fingers; so buy two.