Our Board
Good eggs
Our board directors are Market members who live in the communities that we serve. They are…. good eggs!
Meeting Schedule
Regular meetings: 6:00 pm, the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Special meetings may be called at the request of three or more directors.
Meetings are open to members (except when in Executive Session). If you plan to attend a meeting, please let us know in advance via the Contact link (bottom of page).
Current Board Members and their Towns
Misti Berry, Sharon (president) | Jenny Lane, South Royalton (vice president) | Sara Dakin, South Royalton (secretary) | David Brandau, Royalton (treasurer) | Peter Anderson, South Royalton | Walter Hastings, South Royalton | Bob Slattery, South Royalton| Cathy Lawson, South Royalton | Gordon Merrick, South Royalton
Roles of the Board
Board members are voted in to office by fellow Market members at Annual Meeting each spring. The Board’s role is to oversee the direction and the finances of the cooperative.
Each Board member serves for a term of two years with the possibility of multiple terms. The size of the board can vary to meet the Market’s needs — a minimum of five and maximum of nine.
Ways to Be Involved
Prospective board members are encouraged to express their interest to the present board at least one month before elections at Annual Meeting and must be current Market members in good standing for at least six months prior to Annual Meeting.
Non-board members can volunteer on a subcommittee. Please contact the Market’s general manager or the board president to learn more.
Contact our board
Meet our board
Annual Meeting Charts
The following charts presented by our Board at our 2022 Annual Meeting provide a summary of major accomplishments in 2021 and plans for 2022. Overall sales and discounts are compared to recent years, showing our double-digit growth…again! We hope that you will find them interesting and enlightening.